Agreement-making with Traditional Owners
Cultural heritage management
Navigating governance
ESG alignment
We are Agreement Hub
Trusted by Australia’s leading exploration, mining, renewables and energy companies to secure their social licence to operate on country while strengthening their reputation with responsible investors.
We secure project approvals, protect Aboriginal cultural heritage and build economic prosperity for all stakeholders.
Maximising long-term project success means responsibly and respectfully engaging with Traditional Owners to deliver mutually beneficial commercial outcomes.
Land Access Negotiation
We are experts at engaging with Traditional Owners to secure access to land for our clients so projects can proceed with minimal delays.
Decades of experience has taught us that negotiating respectfully and collaboratively with Traditional Owners, with a focus on finding solutions which benefit all parties, delivers the best long-term outcomes for all.
We engage early with the relevant Aboriginal Corporations and broader Traditional Owner groups in a co-design process that ensures negotiations maintain momentum.
This approach allows us to deliver the best value for our clients, by quickly progressing land negotiations, enhancing their ESG credentials, and building stable, enduring partnerships with Aboriginal Corporations.
Cultural Heritage Management
With over 20 years of experience in cultural heritage, we know how to get the management of cultural heritage right.
We assist our clients across a broad range of cultural heritage management services:
Negotiating heritage protection agreements
Coordinating heritage surveys
Preparing Cultural Heritage Management plans and board level policies
Preparing databases that manage survey reports and agreement information
Bringing heritage management into the 21st Century with advanced geofencing technology
We can also assist with:
Most companies want to contribute to their local communities in a meaningful way, the reality is at times their efforts may not stand up to governance scrutiny and could have unintended consequences. This is where experience is key. We guide companies through potential governance issues and lay the foundations for productive working relationships with Traditional Owners.
We partner with Aboriginal Corporations to re-build underperforming businesses by reforming processes to make them easy to manage, profitable entities which provide Aboriginal employment and training.
We work with clients to align their stated values and objectives with actions on the ground. We start with the board and leadership team and then implement change throughout the organisation, to ensure our clients “walk the talk” and avoid any perception of bluewashing.
Our Team
Kellie Swanson-Hill
Founder & Director
With a reputation for being able to cut through the noise and get deals done, Kel gains the support of Traditional Owner stakeholders to secure shareholder return. She is an advisor and thought leader in the areas of cultural heritage management, ESG alignment, land access negotiations, navigating governance challenges and building good businesses.
Beginning her career in the mid-90's Kel has led more than 100 major land access negotiations delivering substantial benefits to industry clients and Traditional Owners alike. She is trusted by both sides of the table to reach meaningful agreements.
Kel is currently advising company CEO's, boards and leadership teams to deliver products and solutions focussing on the social and governance aspects of ESG.
A mother of a son with special needs, Kel is an advocate for awareness and inclusion.
Qualifications & Awards
2022 Commenced Private Helicopter Pilot Licence, Corsaire Flight School
2018 Graduate Certificate Corporate Sustainability, NYU Stern
2016 Company Directors Course, AICD
2010 40 Under 40 winner
2009 Telstra Business Awards finalist
2009 Telstra Business Women's Awards finalist
2006 LLB, Murdoch University (but does not practice as a lawyer)
Board Roles
Yamatji Nation Trustee Selection Committee for Department of Premier and Cabinet (2020): Independent Member
Australian Executor Trustees, Advisory Board (2017 – 2020)
Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (2011 – 2015): Board member, and Chair of the AMEC’s Aboriginal Affairs Committee
Eastern Guruma Charitable Trust (2010): Independent Director
Our Associates
The team at Agreement Hub has strong industry experience in the areas of community engagement, project agreement implementation, building strong relationships with Traditional Owners, strategy development and implementation.
We have a strong network of associates who support our clients across multiple disciplines, including: anthropology, archaeology, geographic information system mapping, and community relations, as well as communications, business and legal advisors.
Agreement Hub is a proud member of AMEC